Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Grandma

Let's just get this out.  My youngest aunt came over for my birthday, just to be nice.  The other didn't.  I posted online about it and then that I didn't like it but not why.  It was because I wanted it to be special with my family, with my mom.  I was the age my mom and aunt were when I was born about.  So, my grandma for some reason proceeded to having me call her every night and read the Bible, "like she was gonna die."  I did it for whate seemed like almost a year.  I stopped at my birthday so I wouldn't get mad.  Anyway, she made me feel uncomfortable in my sacks, like all night and throughout the day.  It's still affecting me.  My dad rubs it in, too.

Also, she's always been really respectful of me but in a way cunning.  Like, when I didn't go up to visit, she told me then I could proceed to calling her during the week a bit, though I ended up not.  She also - wait I mean got surgery, not sure what - got sick and laid off and stayed with my aunt in Southeatern Florida.  She seems different.  My friends didn't seem to want to visit me, anymore, neither.  I had gotten upset when my aunts came up north with us, for some reason.  My cousin was getting all the attention.